quinta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2017

Gizeh Ochoa

Como eu disse antes vou fazer esse blog ficar mais no estilo "Tudo sobre Johnny" maaas quem vou desviar as atenções para a lindona da namorada dele PORQUE SIM!
Tá valendo se apaixonar pela namorada do ídolo?! Porque vou te enganar não,eu sou "xonada" pela Gih! Ela é linda,doce e engraçada sem contar que tem um baita sorriso!
Pra mim ela é tudo de bom e mais um pouco,eu ainda não a conheço mas pelo menos pelo pouco que conversamos via internet ela parece ser um amor de pessoa e além de tudo faz muito bem pro Johnny (o que é um quesito importante porque meu Johnny merece uma mulher à altura dele). Conhecer a Gih e o Johnny está no topo da minha lista de "coisas pra fazer ainda nessa vida" haha
As I Said before I'm gonna make this blog on style "all about Johnny" buuuuut today is all about his wonderful girlfriend Gih because yes (in my language it makes more sense! It means just because I want)
Am I allowed to fall in love with my idol's girlfriend ?! I'm not gonna lie , I am enchanted by her,she's so sweet and funny and she got a hell of smile! I dont know her yet but we chatted a little on internet and she seems to be a lovely person and besides, she does very well for Johnny (which is an important issue because my Johnny deserves a woman as awesome as he is).
I think she's a photographer but I don't know in fact, she could easily to be a model though!
Being able to meet Johnny and Gih is at the top of my list of "things to do still in this life" haha

terça-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2017

I'm back baby hehe/ Tô de volta!

Já faz um tempo desde o meu último post aqui no blog. Primeiro porque a STSL acabou e o blog foi feito especialmente para a banda daí eu não timha mais sobre o que escrever,segundo porque eu estava ocupada por causa do trabalho mas agora estou de férias e a banda pode até ter acabado mas o Johnny continua firme e forte com seu novo projeto TEN TEO daí eu decidi continuar escrevendo ao invés de largar o blog!
Ao que parece o Josh é fotógrafo agora mas eu não tenho notícias dele faz anos e o Aaron eu não tenho ouvido falar dele desde que a banda acabou!
Johnny é o único com quem eu ainda mantenho contato e eu adoro o trabalho dele,sendo assim vou escrever sobre o trabalho dele com a música e outras coisinhas mais também!
O novo álbum dele está pra ser lançado dia 05/01/18 e se chama Forth e eu tô doida pro dia chegar logo!
It has been a while since the last time I post here on the blog 1st because STSL is over and this blog was made specially for the band so I had nothing to write about and 2nd I was a little bit busy working!
But now I'm on vacations and STSL might be over but Johnny keep swinging with his new project TEN TWO so I'm decided other than drop out the blog I will keep writing! Josh is a photographer now i think but I don't hear about him in a few years and Aaron I don't know about him at all. Johnny is the only one who I keep in touch with and I love his work so I'm gonna write about his beautiful song and others things about him too!
For starters he is about to release a new 
album from TEN TWO called Forth which is going out on 01/05/18 and I just can't wait!

quarta-feira, 29 de julho de 2015

Congrats Uncle Johnny!!!!

First of All congrats to the new dad Stephen and his wife Lauren!

The little Charlotte Rose Barthelmass was born,beautiful and healthy for sure!
Welcome to the family little pricess!
#GodBlessYou #AndAllTheFamily

quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2015

Definitely my favourite song ever!!!

Risk is the kind of song that make me wanna cry,not  sadness but  the chorus in special make me think about a lot of things!
Specially today the phrase "it's never been harder than searching for the calm before the storm" means a lot for me!

Verse 1:
Where have you been?
It doesn't really make a difference
please come back again
can't stand how much i miss it
i know how hard it is
to see through all of this
with so much left to give
but is it worth the risk?

Turn back time
And we'll start again
Close your eyes
Tell me what you see with them
Turn back time
And we'll start again
close your eyes
its never been harder than
searching for the calm before the storm

Chorus background verse:
We all make mistakes
that doesn't mean that I should be the only one to blame
it's never going to change
Unless you find the other side
and wash the rest away

Verse 2:
There's no regret
Like the kind I've met
But its not over yet
If i still have a breath

lead in 1:
now don't
let go
its close
and all you've been waiting for
just once,
look up,
its done
so what are you running from?

who are you?
what did you do
and how'd you lose the one you thought u always knew
its no use
i see them too
shining back in shades that i see through

lead in 2:
I know
you won't
let go
it's all you've been waiting for
just once
look up
it's done
so what are you running from?

R.I.P Max!

R.I.P Max

Yesterday Johnny posted a touching text talking about your dog ... or rather his most faithful companion who died June 8th of this month and I was thinking ... I honestly don't know what will become of me and my family when my puppy die because the little princess of the family (yes my mum says she is the princess of the family) is already very old and everyone here loves her a lot!
Anyway i just want demonstrate my condolences to Johnny and his family!

terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015

I'm late?? YES,TOO MUCH! But Before late than never! Haha

About the Aaron's birthday... I want a gift like this!  Aaron spent his birthday on baseball game of San Francisco Padres!

sábado, 14 de março de 2015

Getting a new member of the family Barthelmass! Johnny will be uncle of a little girl !

Has someone is excited to be  uncle ! I'm sure he will be an amazing uncle ! haha

 Johnny is happy and I am even more happy for him!

Is coming  the newest member of the Barthelmass family , that come  full of health to be the person most loved  of the universe , in fact I'm sure she already is much loved and  is being anticipated with very much joy and anxiety by the entire family !