quinta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2013


   Inicialmente John começou a Banda como um projeto solo,escrevia musicas para ele mesmo mas gostou tanto do trabalho que estava fazendo que resolveu montar uma banda completa. Foi entao que convidou seus amigos Josh e Aaron pra tocar com ele  na casa onde John morava em Groove Garden na Califónia -USA  e dali por diante nascia a banda Still the Sky's Limit,a banda foi formada por volta de março de 2010. A banda tem um integrante bônus,digamos assim,o nome dele é David Tonelson,ele é amigo do John e toca baixo,ele toca com eles quando a banda sai em turnê.
 Uma das músicas que por sinal não foi lançado ainda, deu o nome da banda que é "Ainda Limite do céu."
Eles estão prestes a lançar um EP cujo nome é "Legacy" duas músicas do EP estão agora disponíveis para download!

O EP será lançado em 12 de fevereiro de 2013 eu não consigo resistir a comentar o que eu estou realmente ansioso por isso! Eu acho que não mais do que toda a banda, mas eu garanto que eu sou tanto quanto eles!
 Quem quiser é só clicar nos links abaixo:

 John originally began the band as a solo project , wrote songs for himself but he liked it so much work which he was doing that decided to assemble a full band. It was then that he invited his friends Josh and Aaron to play with him in the house where John lived in Garden Groove in Calif., USA and from then on the band Still the Sky's Limit began. The band was formed around March 2010. The band has an bonus member, so to speak, his name is David Tonelson, he is a friend of John and plays bass, he plays with them when the band goes on tour.
  One of the songs which by the way has not been released yet, gave name  the band that is  "Still The Sky's Limit."
The EP will be released on February 12, 2013 I can not resist to comment  what I'm really looking forward to it! I think no more than the entire band , but I guarantee I'm as much as them!!!

    They are about to release an EP whose name is "Legacy" two songs from the EP are now available for download!. Who want just click on the link below:

Musics to download

 Eles acabaram de assinar seu primeiro contrato pela Still the Sky's Limit com a Gas Can Music!
           They just signed their first contract by Still the Sky's Limit with Gas Can Music!
 Por enquanto é só o que sei! Quando surgirem mais novidades eu conto tudo!!!!!
.For now that's all I know! Where there are more news I count everything!!!

terça-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2013

Comentarios sobre a banda/comments about the band! Em construção -Under construction ...

"Acho que um dia os verei no Rock in Rio"

"I think one day I will see them at Rock in Rio! " 

Leticia Caroline Prado 

"Achei a voz dele comum mas ele (John) arrasa!"

"I thought his voice (John) is common but it rocks!"
                                Gerlane Ayres

É uma banda que eu gostei muito, pretendo ouvir outras músicas deles. E pelo o que percebi eles fazem o que gostam,e isso é muto importante,faz o trabalho ficar mais bonito. 

It's a band I really liked, I want to hear other songs from them. And from what I saw they do what they like, and this is important muto, makes the work look better.
                                                                           Danielle Emilia
Essa banda é incrivel
This band is amazing!!
Ana Paula Alves 

 Among the most beautiful chords of music that expressed are the most beautiful feelings that you guys can stream it!
Never give up the dream of you cuz have those who believe in them!
Flavia Fabris
Musica muito boa,gostei!

Very good song,I liked!
Magno Germano   

Me faz lembrar Good Charlotte, gostei,além do mais é um som gostoso de ouvir que faz a gente querer ouvir mais,não è aquela barulheira sem sentido como algumas musicas de rock costumam ser.
 the sound of the band make me remind  of Good Charlotte,I liked, besides it is nice to hear is a sound that makes you want to hear more,is not like some rock songs usually  that is like noise meaningless.

Gabriel da Silva Costa

 Não achei a banda ruim,só não é a sonoridade que sou acostumado a ouvir
   I did not think the banda bad, just not the sound I'm used to hearing                                                                                                                          Rodrigo Marcelino

Achei bem agitada,dá pra pular muito!
I thought the music stirred well, can you skip very much!
           William Lima

Muito bom o som deles! Eu curti! 
 Very good sound of them! I enjoyed it!
Thalita Grandino

 Uau, eu achei a música muito legal, fala sobre um fatos realmente verdadeiros, e é como incentivo.
Wow, I found the really cool song, talks about an really true facts,and is as incentive. 
Renan Bittencourt

 the instrumental part of the song is cool but I confess that the voice of the guy no pleased me no!
 a parte instrumental da música é legal, mas confesso que a voz do cara não me agradou não!

sexta-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2013

Still The Sky's Limit

Since beginning my day I already woke singing,over a week down here my repertoire is of a single band. Still the Sky's limit! haha
know what is? the music of you is so contagious to me that I spend the most time on the computer listening to songs like "Barbados", "Risk", "Before we were are we","Wake" ...  and when I'm not on the computer listening to the songs,I'm singing  while I clean the house, when I'm alone in my room ... fact is that I'm in love by the band! hahaha
I have to give my congratulations to John by the lyrics that are really very beautiful and to the banda generally because honestly I do not quite understand about tones, arrangements of music and all these details but even the most lay this matter know when a song is isn't good but happens that the music of you guys is very good !!!
This EP "Legacy" has everything  to be success, what that already is to me! You guys have talent this is fact, the songs available  of this EP are great and how much disclosure ... I'm doing everything possible so that the SKY'S THE LIMIT STILL to be recognized here in Brazil who knows around the world so now is just keep working to turn the band in a  success,what is a matter of time!!

Still The Sky's Limit Winter Tour 2

quinta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2013

Thank you for existing! Still the Sky's Limit

I met the band through the John Barthelmass and since then I am in love with the music of you.
Do not have a single day since the day January 16, 2013 I would not be happy to hear a song yours, to see the videos,I'm glad with all  involving you guys!
It's always good to know good  songs  and  what I could do to help the band I'm going to do!
This blog is kind of a present for you guys, here I'll write many things, tributes on special dates, I'll  publicizing the work of you when need !!
I hope you enjoy the blog  I did with affection!!!!