Check out the new interview wich STSL did with BandFocus101!
1. You guys picked a great name! STILL THE SKY’S LIMIT is awesome! Who came up with the name?
jb- Thank you for the compliment, we all really appreciate that you
like the name. Actually, its a bit of a story: a song entitled “Still
(The Sky’s Limit)” was one of the first few songs I wrote for STSL. The
original idea of the band was simply a solo, acoustic side project apart
from another band I was a part of years ago, so it didn’t have a name
for a while upon its inception. Then, as they do, one thing lead to
another and the solo project grew into a full fledged band. As that
process was going on I was driving to a practice facility we were
rehearsing at during the time and I began thinking about the connotation
of removing the parenthesis from the song title, which completely
altered the meaning. The song itself is about a person standing “still”
while “the sky’s limit” is a tongue-in-cheak way to mock that person for
not moving when their potential in accomplishing a feat was simply by
just trying to do so. Removing the parenthesis opened up the idea to an
entirely new thought process and stretched to include everything; i.e.
Still, The Sky’s Limit is infinite. The name simply means anything is
possible; a philosophy I live by in everything I do. People will
allllllways try to tell you why you can’t do something. They are never
correct. Simple and true as that. I never listen, never have and never
will, and my hope is that through this band we can portray that message
to the masses. Because its true.
2. What’s your favorite song to play live?
jb- I love playing every single song we have. which one I have the
most fun with at any given live show will change; perhaps depending on
my mood, perhaps depending if someone is in the crowd that I’ve wanted
to sing a particular song to. There are so many factors that weigh into
which song I enjoy playing the most on any given day. Some days I will
be exceptionally into performing “Wake” because I want to go crazy and
rock out. Some days I’ll enjoy an acoustic song because it is a more
somber, subdued mood. Some days it will be “Quite Possibly” because it
seems to have a bit of a different feel vocally. Some days it will be
“Some Know I Passed” because I feel it is the most important song I’ve
ever written and would sing it every day of my life and has such a
catchy feel to it. Some days it will be “Barbados” for the verses and
the vocal rise in the chorus, or the crazy fun dueling solos that the
other guitar player and me battle each other with at the end while
trying to literally physically knock each other over to see who can
balance better. The favorite definitely switches almost every single
3. Where would you like to tour someday?
jb-easiest answer i’ve ever written: everywhere.
4. How would you describe your band life to someone thinking of forming a band?
jb- Well, this is probably a personal approach for each person,
because i really can’t separate my band life from whatever other life I
lead; whether for better or worse, this band is my life. I write these
songs about the experiences that forms what is my life. Every song is
some sort of personal rendition of something that has literally happened
to me. If the person is similar to me, then I would say it is a very
therapeutic outpouring to write songs based on your life; it actually
allows me personally to let go of malice I have faced, and I must admit,
I’ve faced quite a bit, admittedly mostly romantic relationship based.
And as such, I would say if you are truly ready to dedicate yourself to a
life that is very uncertain in terms of monetary gain, yet ridiculously
fulfilled in passion and appreciation of creating a physical
representation of an idea, then jump in. Don’t just say you will, you
have to just go and do it. Oh, and be prepared for ridicule, because it
will come. I feel that the best way to be in a band is to write the
music for yourself, if others like it, great, if not, then simply being
proud of your own creation is enough.
5. Any advice to teenagers who want to dress up to be different?
jb- I’ll be honest, im not exactly sure what this question means, so I
will interpret a bit. In my experience, and I’ve had quite a bit of
life experience, I’m far beyond my teenage years now, and I have been so
many different places in life it boggles my own mind. but I do know
that everyone is different. There is no “normal”. As a teen I know it is
very difficult to look into a mirror and simply say “I’m great as I
am”, but I also know that once past say the high school years, and maybe
even some years beyond that, you come to the realization that you are
great as you are. Even the slightest intricacies you find within
yourself will make you appreciate you for who you are. For a lot of
people I’m sure the “I’ve heard it all before” mentality comes to the
forefront, and I was there back in my day, but I can say that once that
day comes where the understanding hits, you won’t be able to wipe the
smile off of your face. If this question means to literally dress up to
be different, then I’d say do what you will, but be respectful to
yourself for yourself. Always, allllllways be what you want to be, but
be that for yourself, not for anyone else.
6. Finish this sentence, “The sky’s the limit because….”
jb- its not.
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