sábado, 30 de novembro de 2013

My hope to see Still the Sky's Limit in Brazil started to gain force! hehe

Everyone that loves the work of STSL is now time to take a strength for the band ! !
They are in need of help to take the work further on it , I mean , besides promotion of the new album of the band , they need help to be able to make their music go beyond the limits of the USA!
You who a fan of Still The Sky's Limit, live in another country and  are crazy  to see them playing live and where you can go see them personally ( and of course I 'm one of those people ! Hehe )
Here you will find a way to help the band reach their objectives  besides of  know them up close!


The website above is where you can make donations to help promote the new album of the band and  their tour that they intend to start in February!

I follow the band already  a few months , in fact in January will make 1 year that  hear talk of the band the first time and I could see all this time , the love they have for what they do , how seriously they take the band , the talent they have , I 'm  very suspicious to talk  because I really  love the band !

I liked the band since the first song I heard, and I loved the concept  of that everything is possible just believe and make happen! Well,at least is what i believe that mean the name Still the Sky's Limit!  

If could I would do much more than simply a text of disclosure but I can not,not right now!

It is in hours like that I wanted to be rich,but for  while I'm not ,so this is all what i can do!

This is it,thanks for reading this text and let's go help!!! hehe..

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